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杂志名称:《TimeOut  Family英文刊》 定价:10元
出版周期:季刊 出版单位:
国内统一刊号:CN11-5052/Z 国际标准刊号:ISSN1672-5719
开本:16开 页数:56


An indispensable resource for anyone with kids, babies or bumps, Time Out Beijing Family is packed with events, activities, health and education news and listings. Part of the global world of Time Out, it also features international content from Time Out New York Kids and Time Out Dubai Kids.

作为一本为儿童和家庭提供资讯的期刊,Time Out Beijing Family涵盖娱乐、活动、教育、医疗等不同领域的信息和相关内容。作为国际品牌Time Out 的落地期刊,Time Out Beijing Family的部分主题取材于Time Out New York Kids和Time Out Dubai Kids。


Each seasonal issue reaches out to the community of families in Beijing and showcases how parents can create and
live fulfilling family lives in the city. From after-school activities to travelling with kids, there's something for everyone.

Time Out Beijing Family hosts many events year round. From school fairs and summer camps to themed parties such
as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, there's something for family members of all age groups to come down
and enjoy!
Time Out Beijing Family 每年会举办多场家庭活动,包括校园嘉年华、夏令营以及万圣节、圣诞节等节日主题派对。我们会为各个年龄段的家庭成员提供适合他们参与的种类丰富的活动。



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